With his suave patter, he told David that he could win a trip to Disneyland if he could correctly answer all the questions he asked. David was excited at this opportunity. First my husband asked him to name all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. David was into the Turtles in a big way and had no problem with this one. Then several other softball questions followed to build David's confidence and excitement.
When he could almost taste and touch that trip to Disneyland, my husband hit him with the final question, the one that would clinch the trip for him. "David," he asked him, "what is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and how does it impact the orbit of sub-atomic quantum particles using non-Newtonian physics?" In the silence that followed we could almost hear David's face falling.
My husband, still in d.j. mode, said, "Oh, that's too bad, David. So close, so close! Just one more thing, David. April Fools!"
This April I had a Fool that was much nicer. It had fresh strawberries and cream. Mmmm. It was creamy, dreamy delicious. I only felt like a fool for not having tried this sooner.
Berry Fool
- adapted from Williams-Sonoma Desserts
9 strawberries (small to medium in size)
1/3 cup sugar
3/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
Pinch of kosher salt
1/4 cup heavy cream
1- Place a mixing bowl and beaters into the freezer.
2- Rinse, stem, and hull 7 strawberries, then quarter them lengthwise.
3- In a small bowl, toss together the quartered strawberries and the 1/3 cup sugar. Then using a fork, smash the berries until they are jamlike and mostly puréed. Add the blueberries and crush lightly with the fork. Stir in the lemon juice and salt. Taste and add 1-2 more tablespoons sugar, if desired.
4- In the chilled bowl, with a mixer on medium to medium-high speed, whip the cream until firm peaks form when the beaters are lifted. Scoop the chilled fruit onto the cream and with a rubber spatula gently fold the fruit into the cream, just until incorporated.
5- Spoon into dessert bowls or glasses and serve immediately or cover and refrigerate overnight.
6- To garnish, cut the remaining 2 strawberries in half and put a half on top of each fool.
What an awesome story, Lynn! Oh, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle brings back memories of Chem Class--not to mention a bunch of cheesy jokes. This is possibly the best April Fools EVER!! Your hubby is a genius. Oh, and YOUR April Fool looks great, too! A perfect spring treat.
Sigh, I am a fool for fool.
Strawberry too, I love berries...
I love your story. I think my heart just broke to imagine how excited David must have been to think he was so close to winning a trip to Disney! I hope you made it up to him with a sample of this strawberry fool because it looks delicious!
that's an extremely terrific (and slightly cruel) trick. i hope he wasn't too damaged. :)
meanwhile, what a luscious, creamy treat. :)
Oh, my gosh! I don't think I could have kept a strait face throughout a joke like that, too funny! That dessert of yours looks delicious, and that's no joke! ;)
AHAHAHA that is the best joke ever! I love it! Funny thing, i actually did win something from Radio Disney back in my tween years...
Never too late for this dessert!
Fool is so old fashioned . . . and oh sooooo good! Lovely Lynn.
My father is one who has always planned incredible elaborate April Fool's jokes sometimes involving lot of people but he manages to pull them off.
That was a good one.
I'm a sucker when it comes to pranks, and also to creamy berry desserts. This is one April fool I need to try.
I think my heart would have sank too after such a question!!
Love fools and this one sure looks delicious!
Love the name of this dessert. I always smile when I hear it.
My boys would love this dessert--especially the name! It looks wonderful! I will have to try it.
That's so funny! Did your son get over not winning a Disney trip?
I can't help but feeling a bit sorry for him that it was all a joke. Love your fool, that would have comforted him!
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