Monday, January 3, 2011

I Resolve To Be Well-Tempered

The beginning of the new year tends to be when people post their resolutions. I don't do resolutions. I'm not big on resolutions. I've made enough resolutions that I know resolutions like "get a job" or "get a boyfriend" or "lose 10 lbs" aren't worth the paper they're written on, unless you wrote them on toilet paper, when, at least, they are good for one purpose.

Instead of resolutions, I made cookies. And cakes. And pies. And, well, you get the point, I make lots of desserts. And what springs out of that are my goals for the year.

1- Find a home for my cookbooks. Keep the cookbooks there when not in use. And get rid of cookbooks I don't use.


2- Exercise 5 to 6 times per week.

Pretty simple, right? You might think the exercise will be the tough one for me. Those who know me are laughing, though, at the idea that I can keep my counters free of cookbooks. You can check back with me at the end of the year to see how I did. See the secret to success is setting the bar so low you can step over it. Of course, it's always possible to trip over it, but still, you're getting over it. Right?

Also simple is this gorgeous treat. I know, I know, you're all on diets (I put diets in the same category as resolutions), and you can't bear the thought of something sweet. Bookmark it for next December. You will amaze your friends if you give them a gift box of these.

I started with a gift I received. My amazing and talented sister gave me a tub of homemade, organic, candied citrus peel for Christmas. It was a sparkling array of jewels from lemons, oranges, and grapefruits that my family eagerly tucked into. But me, being me, viewed it as a springboard for something else. As my husband's hand hovered over the tub, selecting his next nugget of deliciousness, I thought out loud, "I wonder how those would be dipped in dark chocolate." Slam went the lid on the tub. "Yes, please!" he said.

I've been working on my chocolate dipping skills lately and I'm getting better. I'll post all about my adventures in tempering some other time. For today you just get pictures and a "recipe" because I've got to go work out.

Chocolate Dipped Citrus Peel

Candied organic citrus peel (you can make this yourself, but it's preferable if someone else gives it to you. It saves lots of time)
Dark chocolate, melted and tempered

1- Hold a piece of citrus peel by one end. Dip the other end in the tempered chocolate. Gently wipe excess off with a fork or spoon. Lay the dipped peel on a piece of parchment or Silpat. Let cool and harden before removing.


  1. I made some orange peels for Christmas, too. There are still a few left, so I might just have to try this out! Also, good luck with your goals :)

  2. These are beautiful.

    Two questions:
    1. How is the grapefruit? I was thinking of trying it...
    2. How do you temper chocolate?

    My counter has several jars of chocolate dipped candied orange rinds sitting pretty on it, so no rush for an answer. But, you know, next year...

  3. I never have much luck with resolutions, but I am trying one, just one, this year.
    Let's hope we both can make it!
    I'd be hard pressed not to have a cookbook out...but I wish you luck!

  4. resolution shmesolution, i say. but as resolutions go, yours are definitely achievable--good luck. :)

  5. Very interesting idea! Something I would have never thought to have made on my own!

  6. Wow, this looks so good!! And it's beautiful! I'm hoping to keep my resolutions this year, but one of those is definitely to make MORE cakes and cookies :)


  7. Oh I completely failed in the tempering department this Christmas. So I had swirly streaky chocolates. And I took time and used a thermometer too! :( I'll just have to go back to the microwave method, though I hate using the nukebox. Your dipped peels look gorgeous though, yum! I could tuck into those alright...

  8. It sounds delicious! Have you tried Zumba classs? Those are so fun!

  9. Yum! Wanted to try to make candied citrus peel anyway. Maybe by Valentine's Day the whole thing will come together ;)
