Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kitchen Tip

I know I've been a bad blogger. As someone who's name proudly proclaims a love of cookies, I feel like I should have a new cookie post up every day. As you can see, that hasn't happened. I have done some baking, though. If you came here for a cookie fix, you'll need to click your mouse once more to see my post on making molded cookies over on Simple Bites. Easy, elegant, and gift-worthy - you won't want to miss it!

In the meantime, I've got just a brief kitchen tip for you - How to cope with onions.

Chopping onions can be a painful experience for me. If the onions are strong, my eyes burn and tears stream down my face. Although it might look funny, it's anything but fun. My kids have learned that it's not smart to laugh at a crying woman wielding a sharp knife, no matter how hilarious she looks.

A kitchen catalog promised the solution to my woes. It advertised a set of goggles that seal against the eye socket, protecting the eyes from onion fumes. The price tag made me hesitate about ordering a pair, and while hesitating, I had a brain wave.

Was I not the mother of two swimmers? Wasn't my house littered with swim goggles? And don't swim goggles, by definition, seal against the eye socket? Yes, yes, and yes!

So now, when it's time to chop onions, I no longer have to endure the painful, streaming eyes. True, I look like a doofus, but at least I'm not crying! (And, yes, there are pictures documenting just what a doofus I look like, but my husband has been threatened sufficiently that they will NEVER show up on Facebook!)


  1. Leave the onions in the fridge! If I have to use onions and I know in advance I'll stick them in the fridge overnight or we keep some in the refrigerator peeled so they're ready to cut. It makes a world of difference! I too have been left sad and teary from a strong onion!

  2. I *love* the swim goggles idea. I have discovered that wearing contact lenses also protects my eyes sufficiently, but that on the rare occasions that I chop onions wearing my glasses, I end up in tears!

  3. I think I would have rather seen a picture of you wearing the swim goggles. :) Great idea, with a lot of company cooking coming up, cooking for 12-14 for a week straight, I will be chopping lotsa onions. Maybe I'll chop them ahead of time so no one sees my bug eyes...

  4. Great post! I go either way on onions. Sometimes they bother me sometimes they don't. No clue why.

  5. What Misa said. I throw mine in the fridge when I know I'll be chopping and no more tears!

  6. Great idea! Who knows you may create a new fashion statement!!

  7. I'm the same way with onions and have posted about it. The ideas that came in the comments were amazing. But the one that worked best was keeping the onions in the fridge. Something about the cold that stops the tearing.
    Sorry, but you in the swim goggles would make a very funny post. :)
    (wonder if my snorkel goggles would work as well?)

  8. Good idea! Much cheaper than the expensive goggles.
    When I cook and bake I wear a shower cap. And you think you look like a doofus! ( Why the shower cap? My long hair sheds like a Labrador, plus it holds on to cooking smells that annoy me later when I am trying to go to sleep.)
    I am going to look really cute with the goggles and the shower cap on! I'll send you a secret snapshot.
    Lynn, my sister has sent me some peanut butter chips. (yum) What is your 'favouritest' recipe to use these in? I am in the mood to bake something with them tomorrow.
    And yes, I will be wearing my shower cap!

  9. Can you believe I use the same thing?? I saw those 'onion goggles' on a TV show, and after googling a bit, realised they look exactly like swim goggles. Ofcourse, I've only used it the one time I've chopped onions [I don't really cook]

  10. Can you believe I use the same thing?? I saw those 'onion goggles' on a TV show, and after googling a bit, realised they look exactly like swim goggles. Ofcourse, I've only used it the one time I've chopped onions [I don't really cook]

  11. Those goggles are hilarious!! I don't have a problem cutting onions but now I want to have goggles just to get to wear them in the kitchen! (I think I still have some swim goggles somewhere but will my glasses fit over top of them??)
