Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rose In Bloom

One of the first people to start reading my blog, outside of my family, was a friend of my daughter's who I called the Kitchen Princess, as she was still living at home, learning about cooking. When the Kitchen Princess got married, I changed her name to Kitchen Queen, as she had her own kitchen to rule over. Recently the Kitchen Queen had a princess of her own, a darling baby girl named Rose who is adorable with lots of black hair and kissable, plump, pink cheeks.

In honor of Rose, I'm posting this lovely rose-tinted sorbet. The recipe is from the Kitchen Queen, so it's fitting. It's the perfect adult sorbet, with the tang of grapefruit and the zing of tequila. Grab a bag of grapefruit the next time you're at the store so you can try it, too!

Grapefruit Tequila Sorbet

2 cups sugar
1 cup water
2 cups ruby red grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed
Juice from 2 limes
5 Tbsp tequila*

1- Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan. Stir over low heat until the sugar has all dissolved. Pour into a medium mixing bowl and put in the refrigerator to chill while you squeeze the citrus.

2- Juice the grapefruit and limes. Pour the juice through a sieve to remove seeds and pulp, then add it to the sugar-water bowl. Cover the bowl and chill completely.

3- When the juice is thoroughly chilled, remove it from the refrigerator, and stir in the tequila. Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze, following manufacturer's directions.

4- Scoop the sorbet into a container with a lid and put it in the freezer for several hours to firm up.

* The tequila gives the sorbet a smoother consistency. It also imparts flavor, so be sure to use a tequila that you like.


  1. Wow! This sounds SO good! What a great idea!

  2. Why didn't you garnish with the worm? :)

  3. What a spring-y pastel color. And 5 tablespoons of Tequila sounds like a party to me. Olé.

    Well, my ice cream maker crossed over last summer, but I'll have to try this sorbet in my FP.

  4. This looks so good! I may have to make this when it gets warmer here. This just screams summer treat!

  5. That sure is a pretty color...sure wish I liked grapefruit..sign. Maybe I could make it with pomegranate juice :)

  6. :) You are so sweet and I can say from experience that this sorbet is DELICIOUS! :D Thanks, Lynn..

  7. i usually say 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor', but this is using it in a much more sophisticated way. :)
