Monday, January 25, 2010

Naan Buddies

Since I was this month's host kitchen for the BBB, I get the privilege of doing the round-up of the Baking Buddies, those brave bakers who picked up their flour and spoons and followed us into the kitchen to make naan. Please visit their sites to check out what they did with this recipe! Good job, all! And if I missed anyone, I'm so sorry. Just write to me again and I'll add you to the list.

January's Bread Baking Buddies:

Kelly from A Messy Kitchen got hers done the same day we posted! And she did a bunch of variations, too.

Elle of Feeding My Enthusiasms came up with her own variation.

Rita aka Soepkipje of ipernity made plain and curried, along with some tasty Indian food.

Rachel of My Munchable Musings subbed out some flours and came up with a delicious and nutritious naan.

Karin of Karin's Kitchen boldly tried the curry, even though she's not a curry fan. Or, she wasn't until she tried this.

Family & Food was excited at this introduction to Indian food.

Delta Kitchen decided to go with plain.

Cindy of Cindy Star substituted sweet and sour peppers for the chutney. Brilliant!

Nicole of Bread Butter and Buns did her own thing with raisins, coconut, and nuts, as well as a plain with sesame seeds.


Tune in tomorrow for a real recipe (yes, it's been a while since I posted one). It's one of my all time favorites, and it's chocolate. See you then!


  1. Great to see many baked with us! Andreas (Delta kitchen) baked naan as well!

  2. So many buddies baking naan and East Indian dishes.

  3. I know I am late late late again, my excuse is that I was really feeling poorly yesterday and could not finish my post :/

    here it is anyway:

    Thanks for the lovely challenge!

  4. Loved checking out the blogs!
    And I do love naan. Never have made it from scratch though.

  5. How do I know who picks the recipe for February? And when will it be posted? Sorry for being so overambitious ;-).

  6. Yum! These all sound so good. I need to try some when I make dal next!

  7. Naan is the best. I have never made it at home though. I Need to get with it!

  8. I miss the challenge, but I did make Naan bread last week - a family favourite.

  9. Wonderful turn out! I am off to visit now..

  10. Once again, I was late with my naan post. (I've GOT to learn to read the fine print. I foolishly imagined I had until 31 January.)

    Many thanks for causing us to make naan again. It was well past time for our fix of palak paneer....


  11. I am in awe of all of you that baked Naan! I've said this on the other blogs that I've only ever seen Naan baked in a Tandoor and for you BBBs to do it like this is just awesome!
