Monday, August 17, 2009

Berry Nice

The first food blog I ever read was Orangette. I was still on my quest for the elusive chocolate covered macaroon and I googled it. One of the hits was this Orangette post. It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but her amazing description of the macaroons made me want to try them, even though no one in my family but me will eat coconut.

I was such a foodie newbie at the time that I didn’t know what ganache was, other than it sounded fancy. Molly’s macaroons introduced me to ganache and opened up new food vistas to me.

I had a question about the cooking process of the macaroons and I wrote to her with my question. She wrote back, warmly and personably, answering my question and encouraging me. I was so impressed that she’d take the time to do that. I was hooked. On Molly, her food, and her blog. She was what inspired me to start my own blog. Writing stories, cooking, and sharing recipes. I wanted to do that!

As a nod to Molly and her new book, A Homemade Life, I made her Summer Berry Poundcake. The recipe is in her book as well as on her blog. It embodies all the qualities I love about Molly’s stories and recipes - simple, unpretentious, approachable, and most of all, delicious.

This cake is like a big hug from mamma on a plate. It’s got blueberries and raspberries wrapped up in a delicate, buttery pound cake, moist and tender. If the berries are homegrown, like mine, even better. And, according to Molly, you can wrap it tightly and freeze it to pull out and enjoy after the berry season is over and savor the flavor of summer past.


  1. The cake looks mouth-watering!! The combination of the two berries, and the spongy look of the cake!! Wish I had a slice!!

  2. Orangette was one of the first food blogs I read too. I just fell in love with her book. Read it twice even, and want to bake everything in it. The cake looks delicious!

  3. I agree with everything you say about Molly. I love her too. In fact, and I know this sounds way weird, I dream about her! The other night I dreamed that people were showing up at the restaurant and criticizing the food and Brandon was getting all depressed and so I went over to him and gave him a pep talk on how to deal with criticism. I also dreamed, back before the restaurant was open, that the restaurant's office was located in the walk-in freezer. Okay, so now, even if you couldn't care less, you know how my brain works, and please don't waste your time analyzing me---I'm really not all that complex.

    But! About that cake. I've looked at that berry cake recipe and thought about it but now you're inspiring me to actually try it...

    First, though, I have a bushel of nectarines to deal with.

  4. This is a must make. I am drooling! I loved A Homemade Life, my favorite summer book!

  5. I am drooling! I love fresh fruits in my cake....yummy!

  6. that's sweet! i enjoy molly's writing so much, and her love story is something i'll never forget. great cake. :)

  7. This is a great recipe indeed!
    As for macarons, these are not as complicated as they seem. The key is to measure perfectly all ingredients including the egg whites, take your time, and of course let the "coques" sit at least a 1/2 hour before you bake them, otherwise they will crack. But even if they do, the result is still very edible :)

  8. I have followed Oranegetter for some time as well and love her writing style. Simple and delicious is often best.

  9. I have a weakness for pound cake and find the berries just irresistable. I want to try this one soon!

  10. Mmm this looks so moist and dense! I've never made poundcake but this definitely inspires me too!

  11. looks absolutely delicious!!!

  12. Orangette was one of my first food blog bookmarks...great writing and great, approachable food. As usual her sweets are divine, and your cake looks like a slice of summer. Might have to make one to freeze.

  13. Beautiful cake, and I'm sure she appreciates the tribute! She does have a lovely way with words.

  14. Strangely enough, I've just got a big bowl of blackberries to deal with. I think you might have just given me the solution...!

  15. What a lovely post!
    I adore that cake, perfect summer fare.

  16. It does look simple but good. Mmm.

  17. It was extremely interesting for me to read this blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.
